Exterior House Painting
Exterior painting is the most effective way to boost the curb appeal of your house. GMJ Painting makes it easier than ever to give your home a complete makeover without hassle, headaches, or worries.
Our team of highly experienced exterior painting professionals delivers the highest quality results so you get a final product you can be truly proud of and that your neighbors will envy.
Here’s a glimpse into our proven exterior painting process:
Honest Estimating
When you’re ready to hire GMJ Painting for your exterior house painting services, you’ll work with an estimator who will provide a straightforward estimate for the entire job with no hidden fees.
Thorough Preparation
The GMJ Painting team understands how important preparation is to ensure the final paint job is the highest quality possible and we follow essential steps to prepare all surfaces before a single paintbrush touches them.
Expert Painting and Meticulous Cleanup
Once all surfaces have been prepared, your exterior house painting can begin. Again, the team of exterior painters at GMJ Painting are highly trained and will paint your house.
We use only the highest quality paints and materials to ensure that our work lasts for years to come. Our painting process includes thorough preparation work, such as power washing and sanding, to ensure that the surface is properly prepped before painting begins. We also take care to protect any landscaping or outdoor fixtures during the painting process to prevent damage.